More updates on my flickr site, and OlyBlog,
The following is from a couple emails I sent, one to the Fair Budget Coalition and Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace listserves, and another to my Washington State legislators:
Hey everyone, congratulations on the week so far. Tuesday was awesome, and then Wednesday was even more awesome!
The Backbone Campaign [] is encouraging people to contact their legislators. I think it makes sense to communicate with them about the reasons we are demonstrating too. more information at
Here's a note I sent to Gov. Gregoire:
Dear Governor Gregoire, I support the people who are occupying the Capitol Building, and I want to join in saying, "no excuses." There is no excuse for anti-social budget cuts at a time when there has never been more wealth in society. Wealth must be taxed. Wealth must give back to society from which it was garnered!
No Excuses!:
I also posted photos from Wednesday here:
and a hastily edited video (which might disappear if I re-do it) here:
Dear Senator Fraser and Representatives Hunt and Reykdal,
I am writing to express my support for protests against the budget this week. I am sure that
you're all similarly inclined toward more progressive taxation. So the purpose of my letter may
be less to persuade, than to make sure you know that there are many people amongst your
constituency whom are interested in basic changes to the state revenue system. I have heard of
polls that indicate nearly 70% support taxing wealth in order to fund social services.
The demonstrations this week illustrate the urgency of this problem. For example, people are
losing their homes at a time when the economic elite control a massive proportion of society's
wealth, and at a time when there are not enough jobs, much less dignified jobs with living
You have my support in vigorous and assertive approach to this problem. Wealth that is
garnered from society, must be taxed and returned to society, in order to maintain the
commonwealth. People need fairness and equity.
There is class warfare, and I want government to protect the poor against avarice and predation
in the marketplace.
Thank you!
Berd Whitlock
Olympia, WA]
Poverty is not caused by personal defect, it is not an individual problem. Poverty is a social problem.