Mountainous terrain, seen from Sim'layshee (Eagle Peak), Ti'swaq' (Mt. Rainier)
Mt. Rose Vista
Drepung Monastery Loseling Monks ceremonially pour sand from a Mandala into water at Percival Landing, Budd Bay, Puget Sound, Pacific Ocean
Light of autumn Moon with mountains and sea
Surreal light with smoke in the sky
These photos are from the past few months, weeks, and days.
Still working hard on the public power campaign to authorize the PUD to provide electrical service. Vote Yes on County Proposition No. 1. Lower rates, better reliability, good for labor and environment, jobs, service, infrastructure, local economics, stewardship.
For the full view, support public power proposition 1 on your Thurston County election ballot this fall. Ballots go out this Wednesday, and the electric company has been spending huge amounts of cash to oppose this proposition. The proposition would allow for the Public Utility District to provide electricity.
So please mark your ballot Yes on Proposition 1. Whether it's because you dislike PSE, or because you just want a better way of doing business for generations into the future— vote Yes on Prop 1 for local control, so that the people of Thurston County can have a choice.
Take the wide view, increase our options. Vote Yes on Prop 1.
And on a separate topic, just for fun here's a 360º panoramic photo from Mt. Ellinor from earlier this month:
I haven't been posting on here much lately, nor on my blog at either. Have been using Twitter and Facebook and Youtube though, and Instagram.
Life has been distracting. Lots going on. Spending a lot of time and energy on the Public Power Initiative here, to promote authorizing Thurston County Public Utility District to provide electrical service.
PSE, the current provider, has not been treating the county well, charging the highest rates in the state for an inferior quality of service. Public electrical utilities are known to provide, in general, a higher quality of service at a lower rate. And since they are public, they are subject to the volition of their electorate.
There are a lot of reasons to support public power. And current PSE employees need not be in fear that their jobs are in jeopardy, because there is every likelihood and reason to believe that the PUD would seek to hire current PSE employees with experience working on the system here in the county.
Public power stands to be a great improvement. More in county jobs, lower rates, better service, something that everyone in the county can be proud of. Also, there is the part about being non-profit and saving the revenue from being shipped away to satisfy profit-hungry shareholders, instead of keeping it in the county to benefit customers.
It's a big deal and an important contest in the election here. It's been the costliest election so far, and the disparity in spending between the David public power advocates and the Goliath juggernaut electrical utility which is part of an international conglomerate is incredible. The home-team little guys who are working for a better way for all rate-payers, a better way for all county residents and businesses, are being outspent at a rate far exceeding 10 to 1.
So please, do what you can to support the home-team effort. If they don't win it's a shame.