This video was recorded almost a week ago, at the YDHWM (Your Daily Hour With Me) studio, in Olympia, Washington. The official program will air on TCTV (Thurston Community Television) tomorrow (Friday the 30th,) or the day after that, New Year's Eve (Saturday the 31st.) It will eventually also be uploaded to the YDHWM YouTube user channel. [now available here]
It was a silly episode, including blowing the cover on some extraterrestrials that have been hiding behind the couch.
Look out!
29 December 2011
22 December 2011
Lately I have been doing a lot of work with the Occupy movement. There was a tent city here in Olympia. It was evicted six days ago, on Friday of last week. It was sometimes referred to as an encampment and sometimes as a village. I liked to call it the Olympia Occupy Wall Street Solidarity Village.
I have been helping with the Occupy effort. Some of the work I have been doing is along the lines of moral and metaphysical support. And some is decidely more physical. For example, I befriended and helped a homeless person (Catron) get services for alcoholism.
I have also been helping with documentation. Mostly with photos and video. But also with my own eyes and ears, personally witnessing the situation.
I have put a ton of work into communicating with people, via email and Facebook and Twitter, and other Internet media, as well as face-to-face, really working to protect and 'mother' the movement's position regarding popular support.
A lot of that work has occurred on Facebook, as well as in personal interactions, and in the General Assemblies.
Mostly though, the amazing work that has been done, and the accomplishments that have been achieved, have truly resulted from what has been a remarkable and spectacular TEAM EFFORT. No one or two or three or four or twenty of us could have done it by ourselves. It has truly been a VILLAGE EFFORT.
I want to recognize everyone who has participated in that effort, in ways great and small, in ways obvious and overt, and in ways that can only be sensed on the most subtle wavelengths. We all deserve credit and recognition.
And the effort is far from over. In fact this may be just the beginning of a real resistance. There is certainly a lot of work still to do. I hope that most of us are looking forward to working for as-long-as-it-takes, and also looking forward to doing in good ways what will be necessary to get the changes that are necessary.
I love you all, happy holidays. Happy Channukah, Merry Christmas, Blissful Kwanzaa, and Super Solstice to you and the ones you love.
Occupy Holiday Cheer.
And Peace!
some of the videos and photos and other information can be found at the following websites:
Occupy Olympia Main Website:
OO Twitter:
OO YouTube:
OO Flickr:
OO Facebook(s), Page:
I have been helping with the Occupy effort. Some of the work I have been doing is along the lines of moral and metaphysical support. And some is decidely more physical. For example, I befriended and helped a homeless person (Catron) get services for alcoholism.
I have also been helping with documentation. Mostly with photos and video. But also with my own eyes and ears, personally witnessing the situation.
I have put a ton of work into communicating with people, via email and Facebook and Twitter, and other Internet media, as well as face-to-face, really working to protect and 'mother' the movement's position regarding popular support.
A lot of that work has occurred on Facebook, as well as in personal interactions, and in the General Assemblies.
Mostly though, the amazing work that has been done, and the accomplishments that have been achieved, have truly resulted from what has been a remarkable and spectacular TEAM EFFORT. No one or two or three or four or twenty of us could have done it by ourselves. It has truly been a VILLAGE EFFORT.
I want to recognize everyone who has participated in that effort, in ways great and small, in ways obvious and overt, and in ways that can only be sensed on the most subtle wavelengths. We all deserve credit and recognition.
And the effort is far from over. In fact this may be just the beginning of a real resistance. There is certainly a lot of work still to do. I hope that most of us are looking forward to working for as-long-as-it-takes, and also looking forward to doing in good ways what will be necessary to get the changes that are necessary.
I love you all, happy holidays. Happy Channukah, Merry Christmas, Blissful Kwanzaa, and Super Solstice to you and the ones you love.
Occupy Holiday Cheer.
And Peace!
some of the videos and photos and other information can be found at the following websites:
Occupy Olympia Main Website:
OO Twitter:
OO YouTube:
OO Flickr:
OO Facebook(s), Page:
19 December 2011
Lamps in the Capitol (1 of 2)
Via Flickr:
Sunday 18 December 2011, Olympia—I was in the Legislative Building for an Occupy Olympia/Wall Street solidarity General Assembly. One of my friends from the former village where we lived pointed out these lamps to me, and said they were reminiscent of "Moloch."
I am interested in Moloch. My understanding is that this mythical character, an ancient deity, stems from Babylon.
Do you know anything more? Please tell. I am interested. Thank you!
another view of the same lamp:
this was also posted on facebook along with more information there:
11 December 2011
Occupy the Conversation
occupy conversations!
Just today I had the most excellent conversation with someone.
I think most people really understand and support the movement against the Wall Street Style speculative and predatory economic cultural and system.
Occupy the conversations in our neighborhoods and in our homes and with our families and friends with uplifting words of solidarity and moral support. We can carry on! An ongoing occupation of the heart and mind!
Regarding encampments: I think they're important. It is an important physical space. It takes a lot of work. Work that the state should be doing. Work that the state should have prevented from having to be done — if the state would have regulated and protected against the harmful "Free Market" behaviors that have resulted in so many injuries and impairments...
A better world is possible. A world that works best for everyone.
Fight the good fight. Keep the faith.
Just today I had the most excellent conversation with someone.
I think most people really understand and support the movement against the Wall Street Style speculative and predatory economic cultural and system.
Occupy the conversations in our neighborhoods and in our homes and with our families and friends with uplifting words of solidarity and moral support. We can carry on! An ongoing occupation of the heart and mind!
Regarding encampments: I think they're important. It is an important physical space. It takes a lot of work. Work that the state should be doing. Work that the state should have prevented from having to be done — if the state would have regulated and protected against the harmful "Free Market" behaviors that have resulted in so many injuries and impairments...
A better world is possible. A world that works best for everyone.
Fight the good fight. Keep the faith.
04 December 2011
Livestreaming the Past Few Days
Monday 5 December 2011 UPDATE: After posting this I realized that I want to apologize profusely for losing my temper, and my own anger, frustration, and violent language. I am making efforts to take better care of myself. To not get as hungry! I am going to my favorite local food store to pick up some easy to eat snacks that I can keep on my person at all times! Best, Berd
The Olympia Occupy Media Team has been utilizing real-time live streaming onto the Internet more and more over the past few days. Some of us at OO are hoping to be livestreaming more and more, including at General Assemblies. This past Friday and Saturday, I recorded about 2 or 3 hours or so. Here's the material, in order of first to last. It starts out from Friday night, when I attended the State Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. Other people from our team have also been streaming, and their efforts are also very much worthy of watching. The reason I am posting this is because I want to represent my own work here on this blog. Some of the topics ranged from challenging the myth of the honorableness of our "Founding Fathers" of the USA (re: talking about freedom and equality while holding slaves and destroying indigenous cultures/populations...) to the behavior/demeanor of protestors, as well as many other different topics and discussions in between! The following descriptions are far from complete.
Some people might say that my views are "anti-American."
I want to make it clear that I love this land, and the people very much. The problem for me, is the culture. And it's very deep. But not personal. When we speak of defending against enemies, foreign and domestic, I think we need to also examine our very own selves, for the "enemy" within — as evinced in attitudes of hate, feelings of superiority, conceit, and other such similar personality flaws.
Please watch. Thank you!
The Olympia Occupy Media Team has been utilizing real-time live streaming onto the Internet more and more over the past few days. Some of us at OO are hoping to be livestreaming more and more, including at General Assemblies. This past Friday and Saturday, I recorded about 2 or 3 hours or so. Here's the material, in order of first to last. It starts out from Friday night, when I attended the State Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. Other people from our team have also been streaming, and their efforts are also very much worthy of watching. The reason I am posting this is because I want to represent my own work here on this blog. Some of the topics ranged from challenging the myth of the honorableness of our "Founding Fathers" of the USA (re: talking about freedom and equality while holding slaves and destroying indigenous cultures/populations...) to the behavior/demeanor of protestors, as well as many other different topics and discussions in between! The following descriptions are far from complete.
Some people might say that my views are "anti-American."
I want to make it clear that I love this land, and the people very much. The problem for me, is the culture. And it's very deep. But not personal. When we speak of defending against enemies, foreign and domestic, I think we need to also examine our very own selves, for the "enemy" within — as evinced in attitudes of hate, feelings of superiority, conceit, and other such similar personality flaws.
Please watch. Thank you!
Watch live streaming video from occupyolympia at
*** Here is about 45 minutes from Friday night, after projecting images onto the Capitol Campus hill, I walked up the switchback trail and attended the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. This video includes commentary about the basic nature of violence in our society, and questions the story that the "Founding Fathers" of the USA were entirely honorable (maybe they were manipulative—psychologically, economically—to suit their own benefit at the expense of others???)Watch live streaming video from occupyolympia at
This is another 45 minutes, from Saturday afternoon. Someone was arrested for disobeying their order to stay off the Capitol Campus for 30 days (after having been warning earlier in the week.) I don't have the full story. But I went around and had some really interesting conversations with people, including about the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The person I talked with, Nona, said that 10 of the 30 universal rights had been broken in the Special Legislative Session Opening Week of Action. Then I talked with Ryan and Ashley. We talked about a lot of stuff, including the State Patrol, and the events that occurred on Monday, when protestors attempted to "un-arrest" some people from a City Bus. There's more, but that's a little bit of what's in this video.Watch live streaming video from occupyolympia at
In this video, I return to the Legislative Building and visit the Military Re-enlistment Ceremony that took place in the State Reception Room. Visited the MLK Jr. bust, mentioned the "Beyond Vietnam" speech. Also visited the George Washington head, and rubbed his nose vigorously, with both hands. Watch live streaming video from occupyolympia at
In this video, there was discussion about the craziness of my hair. I also got really angry because people off-site were interfering with our livestream broadcasts. And someone from Seattle who introduced themselves as "Burning Man" broke a condom that was filled with skittles candy and made a mess. Susan asked about why humanity is evolving so slowly. Local members of the National Lawyers Guild were on hand with an information card, "What to do if you are stopped by the police." It was produced by the ACLU—and it was funny because the ACLU had just called me 10 minutes prior with their annual fundraising appeal. Thank you ACLU!Watch live streaming video from occupyolympia at
I was still confused about multiple streams operating and my livestream broadcast being interrupted. I was very angry. I said, "That's some bullshit." Then I apologized, and Susan gave me some food. And I felt much better. I talked about how I love military personnel. Cassie gave a report-back about Dakota, who was being detained for trespassing on public property. We theorized that we were mis-treated because we were second-class citizens.-Berd
01 December 2011
Susan, Ktron, and Berd with Kenny on YDHWM
Come from everywhere in the state and converge in Olympia. Bring tent, pallets, pads, blankets, bags. Converge! check out for more information!
Today is Thursday the First of December Two Thousand Eleven. I have been talking with Kenny about Occupy Olympia and Occupy Wall Street every so often on his daily television show, Your Daily Hour With Me, so stay tuned if you want to hear more about what's going on that way.
30 November 2011
Senate Ways and Means Committee Hearing Comments
During the meeting testimony/comment period, I encouraged the Senators to spend some time each day meeting with people under the dome in the rotunda — to validate the experiences of the people who gather there, the unpaid lobbyists, the non-monied people, who really feel that they are not being listened to and not being represented.
Wednesday 30 November 2011, 3:30pm, Olympia Global Occupy Wall Street Solidarity——I was just under the dome in the Legislative Building rotunda. About an hour and a half ago a Representative was talking with a few of the gathered. He was asking them what the 99% movement means/is about.
Yesterday, I attended the Senate Ways and Means Committee hearing. My understanding is that the agenda was changed before the meeting. Instead of a hearing directly about the budget situation, it was an emergency proposal to develop a finance plan to help a struggling municipality.
Lots of people attended the meeting anyway. During the meeting people used the People's Microphone to override regular meeting business. People were able to be heard when otherwise their concerns might have been relegated to working within the present-day system —which many of are coming to realize very well might be systemically corrupt —rotten to the core.
I was #7 on stack for the People's Mic. But the public speak out was ended by the Committee. Thus I was forced to wait until the very very very end of the meeting in order to speak to the Committee.
TVW did not publish the People's Mic portion of the meeting. Many people were taking video. Some is uploaded to the OO YouTube Account, you can find that here:
There is also a url link to the TVW program where I commented next to the very end of the meeting here, you can find that in the comments section of the blog, here:
Here are some re-pasted words I wrote earlier in the day:
I am sitting in the rotunda right now. About an hour ago, a Representative stopped by to meet with the people who are gathered here now.
We have been having a great seminar here about how the system is basically corrupt. And the system older than the USA. The corruption goes way back.
In the beginning, this continent represented a refuge from persecution and oppression. Then things changed, and it turned into a place to be conquered.
The State of this nation was founded by owning class, and the function of the system is born to maintain that corrupt owning class establishment.
The whole election system is corrupt, because campaign finance contribution limits are EASILY circumvented ( and have been easily circumvented for a long long long long long long time.)
This is what we are finding here in the rotunda.
So here we are. Rising up from the ashes of this inane and criminally inhumane culture of disease.
26 November 2011
22 November 2011
06 November 2011
Dear Governor Gregoire, Join us in solidarity!
Dear Governor Gregoire,
I am discouraged. I am looking at the prospect of the emergency special session. According to your office, the special session will focus on cutting programs in order to balance the budget.
I want to ask you to think about whether this is the correct approach. I want to ask why are we pushing for cuts, before seeking new revenue.
Maybe there is a better way.
Maybe, just maybe, instead of a "first cuts" approach, your office could call for a special emergency session to RAISE REVENUE.
For example, the Boeing and Microsoft corporations have tons of money. Tax exemptions that these corporations enjoy could be allowed to expire, instead of making cuts that will result in death and further suffering for so many. Look at this. The Boeing and Microsoft corporations have outsourced jobs to exploit cheap labor overseas. The government, by granting them indefinite tax exemptions, enables, encourages, promotes and rewards these, and other, harmful behaviors.
There is an appearance of betrayal. After all, we cannot abide policies that enable cash profits at the expense of the well-being of so many people (and planet.) We cannot abide cash for killing!
Please consider this: Instead of a special "cuts first" legislative session, how about an emergency session to raise revenue. To save lives.
You could even say to the people and the legislature something like this:
"If at the end of this special session to raise revenue the legislature has failed, then I as Governor of the State of Washington, will leave the luxurious abode of the Governor's Mansion, and move into Solidarity Village, in solidarity with those whom are most afflicted as a result of the systemic injustice and corruption that plagues this society."
Please join us. Please protect us. We call on you.
I hope that you will seriously and sincerely consider this message.
Thank you,
Robert Whitlock
beautiful morning!
I am discouraged. I am looking at the prospect of the emergency special session. According to your office, the special session will focus on cutting programs in order to balance the budget.
I want to ask you to think about whether this is the correct approach. I want to ask why are we pushing for cuts, before seeking new revenue.
Maybe there is a better way.
Maybe, just maybe, instead of a "first cuts" approach, your office could call for a special emergency session to RAISE REVENUE.
For example, the Boeing and Microsoft corporations have tons of money. Tax exemptions that these corporations enjoy could be allowed to expire, instead of making cuts that will result in death and further suffering for so many. Look at this. The Boeing and Microsoft corporations have outsourced jobs to exploit cheap labor overseas. The government, by granting them indefinite tax exemptions, enables, encourages, promotes and rewards these, and other, harmful behaviors.
There is an appearance of betrayal. After all, we cannot abide policies that enable cash profits at the expense of the well-being of so many people (and planet.) We cannot abide cash for killing!
Please consider this: Instead of a special "cuts first" legislative session, how about an emergency session to raise revenue. To save lives.
You could even say to the people and the legislature something like this:
"If at the end of this special session to raise revenue the legislature has failed, then I as Governor of the State of Washington, will leave the luxurious abode of the Governor's Mansion, and move into Solidarity Village, in solidarity with those whom are most afflicted as a result of the systemic injustice and corruption that plagues this society."
Please join us. Please protect us. We call on you.
I hope that you will seriously and sincerely consider this message.
Thank you,
Robert Whitlock

30 October 2011
YDHWM (Your Daily Hour With Me) Appearance
Yay Kenny, that was fun. Thanks for having me on the program!
22 October 2011
The following is in response to a letter I received from someone in the local Olympia Occupy Wall Street solidarity encampment/ village:
I am sorry you think I am a confusing person. I hope that our in person chat helped a little bit in terms of understanding where we are, each of us, coming from.
I am sorry that my behavior frustrates you. Please believe me that I do not intend to frustrate you in any way.
I care very deeply about humanity, and truly want to see the world changed so it works best for everyone. I want to see an end to all violence.
I have deep sympathy for people who are triggered by the presence of police. I am also triggered by the presence of some police officers. It is interesting to note that I have not been triggered by the State Patrol, but I was triggered today when an Olympia PD officer showed up.
I disagree with you that a cop's job is to bully people.
I also understand that there are a lot of people in the 99% who have committed violent crimes.
I think what will make this movement most successful - and lead toward the kind of cultural transformation that will result in the eradication of all unnecessary suffering - is to create a space of inclusion and healing —where people who have committed violence can feel safe to participate in processes of restorative justice and reconciliation.
Signs and messages that target a specific group (like the police, or even bankers,) no matter the behavior of the group, are not productive toward the goal of inclusion and maintaining an open, welcoming, accepting place. (*note that the 99% movement against Wall Street, at least in how I think it should be best applied, is not directed so much at individuals, as it is targeted at unjust, abusive, predatory economic systems. —i.e. the Wall Street system forces harmful competition.)
People should be free to express themselves. And people should also be encouraged toward conscious awareness about the effect of their expressions on others.
No one is perfect. And that's not the point. We all make mistakes, and that's okay. What's important, is that we seek a supportive environment, that encourages productive risk-taking in the interests of mutual betterment for all. And that we don't get bogged down in petty disagreements, and speculation about others' motivations.
Also important to note, in terms of psychological analysis, is that violent and criminal behavior does not occur in a vacuum. People who act out in ways that are harmful toward others, have almost always experienced some prior violence directed toward themselves. The perpetrator is nearly always suffering from an earlier wound.
So abuse/violence is cyclic. And if the cycle is going to be stopped, then who is going to stop it? Maybe we can. How can we stop it?
By choosing to acknowledge how we are all interconnected, interdependent on each other for creating the kind of world where people do not experience unnecessary suffering (that results from cyclic violence.)
That's why I want to see the Olympia solidarity movement against predatory economics, and against abusive policing, etc. be a place of restoration, and reconciliation, of reclamation - of justice, and of our mutual health and humanity.
Maybe the controversial tent messages can be restated in ways that are productive— instead of ways that are inflammatory, exclusive, and can be interpreted as abusive in and of themselves...
I remember when I was 18 and 20 years old. I was angry. Including at the cops. I resented them. They were bullying. They were reacting. I was reacting. And it was a degenerative process. I have learned, in the 10 or 15 years since then, that there is a better way, a more effective way, a way that is mutually uplifting. This way is not perfect. But this way is less aggravating, less anxiety producing, and more prone to being accepted and respected by a large audience - more prone to mass appeal. The way is behaving honorably—this includes refraining from killing, stealing, lying, and other manners of abusive behavior. The way is to contrast honorable behavior against shameful behavior —the kind of violence and abusive behaviors we see resulting from SYSTEMIC economic and political corruption.
It maybe nearly always better to have these conversations in person, and be open and honest and forthright about our experiences, in the interest of mutual validation and individual empowerment.
Thank you for your correspondence.
With respect for all. Sincerely,
08 October 2011
Draft thoughts/ideas, feelings/opinions re: Occupy Wall Street (Wall Street is Everywhere)
This is mostly intended for the audience of Olympia protest, but can certainly be applied elsewhere as appropriate.
((I kind of got a little wordy perhaps. But here's some of what I think. The most important stuff is probably in the first couple paragraphs or so. Also I write "we" alot, syntax can be changed. anyway. i'm hopeful about this effort to enforce accountability against our predatory economic system. yay.)) I am also including a few more tid-bits at the end (I had previously posted this on Facebook.)
((I kind of got a little wordy perhaps. But here's some of what I think. The most important stuff is probably in the first couple paragraphs or so. Also I write "we" alot, syntax can be changed. anyway. i'm hopeful about this effort to enforce accountability against our predatory economic system. yay.)) I am also including a few more tid-bits at the end (I had previously posted this on Facebook.)
05 October 2011
more information attached to the photo, linked
Bully Free Zone...
Some say labor unions act like a bully. Some say owners act like a bully. Some say the USA acts like a bully in the world.
What should be clear, is that bullying is wrong. Hopefully humanity is evolving toward the elimination of bullying.
02 October 2011
Against Oppression, Against Bullying
Some people have so much more wealth than others. (The wealthiest one percent control 90% of the nation's wealth!)
What is required in order to amass such wealth? Is this wealth the result of merit and hard work, or is it possible that some of this extreme wealth actually requires some form or another of oppression? Does some (or maybe even much) of this wealth depend on some form of putting others down?
Is there bullying? If so, why.
Why does bullying go on?
Is wealth a measure of success?
Are wealthy people superior to other (less wealthy) people?
Is it possible that wealth is not so often based in merit, but instead in pure ambition, maybe even a certain amount of ruthlessness?
Is it possible that in the drive to get ahead, some others are forced behind?
Survival of the fittest? Or survival of the meanest?
Why is ambition, even when it verges on ruthlessness toward others, rewarded with wealth?
After all, we teach children that bullying is not okay.
If bullying is not okay for children, then why should it be okay for adults?
Why don't we have policies in order to regulate against economic oppression and bullying? (e.g. Wall Street, war profiteering, exploitative labor practices, companies that have extreme discrepancies in pay between highest and lowest, hoarding and destruction of natural resources [which ought to belong to all of us or to none of us at all.])
People destroy each other with war. People destroy the environment. These activities, which are detrimental to all of us, should not lead to wealth for some few. We need to regulate against harmful economic activities—in the interest of the common well-being of all.
What is required in order to amass such wealth? Is this wealth the result of merit and hard work, or is it possible that some of this extreme wealth actually requires some form or another of oppression? Does some (or maybe even much) of this wealth depend on some form of putting others down?
Is there bullying? If so, why.
Why does bullying go on?
Is wealth a measure of success?
Are wealthy people superior to other (less wealthy) people?
Is it possible that wealth is not so often based in merit, but instead in pure ambition, maybe even a certain amount of ruthlessness?
Is it possible that in the drive to get ahead, some others are forced behind?
Survival of the fittest? Or survival of the meanest?
Why is ambition, even when it verges on ruthlessness toward others, rewarded with wealth?
After all, we teach children that bullying is not okay.
If bullying is not okay for children, then why should it be okay for adults?
Why don't we have policies in order to regulate against economic oppression and bullying? (e.g. Wall Street, war profiteering, exploitative labor practices, companies that have extreme discrepancies in pay between highest and lowest, hoarding and destruction of natural resources [which ought to belong to all of us or to none of us at all.])
People destroy each other with war. People destroy the environment. These activities, which are detrimental to all of us, should not lead to wealth for some few. We need to regulate against harmful economic activities—in the interest of the common well-being of all.
29 September 2011
28 September 2011
Rosh Hashanah Blessings
Tuesday 27 September 2011
Wishes for a happy New Year 5772.
Although I am not Jewish, I like the idea that we all may look on the past year and forgive each other for any ways that we may have hurt or offended each other.
In this photo the planet Jupiter appears nestled in some tree branches. This is near the house where I live.
L'Shanah Tovah
26 September 2011

The world can be challenging. There is a lot that does not make sense. It can help to have a reminder of the enduring beauty that exists, despite many of the difficulties that exist in human societies. Like flowers in sunshine.
21 September 2011
19 September 2011
Celebrating International Day of Peace
Here in Olympia, Washington, we had a festival to celebrate the International Day of Peace. It was sponsored by the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation. We set up a couple of tents and a path of peace. In the tents we had information, and we also listened to a singing bowl concert. The path of peace was constructed out of 12 pieces of bamboo poles ranging in length from about 7 feet to about 20 feet. We used twine to secure the poles, and to string up about a hundred or so pieces of cloth with "peace" written in as many different languages.
The idea with peace written in so many different languages is to suggest that we all have something in common. We may look different, or speak different languages, but we are all still part of one human family. On the most basic level, we are all one, interconnected beings. Interconnected energetically, spiritually. Our actions affect each other. And if we want a world that is peaceful for ourselves, and for our children, for our friends and family and neighbors, then it makes sense to be kind to everyone, regardless of whatever differences there might be between us.
After people had a chance to walk through the "Path of Peace", and listen to the concert of singing bowls, we were led on a meditative peace walk (in the style of Thich Nhat Han,) by Miles, who is a local Zen Buddhist Priest.
Here's a video and some photos from the event. Please enjoy. Thank you.
The idea with peace written in so many different languages is to suggest that we all have something in common. We may look different, or speak different languages, but we are all still part of one human family. On the most basic level, we are all one, interconnected beings. Interconnected energetically, spiritually. Our actions affect each other. And if we want a world that is peaceful for ourselves, and for our children, for our friends and family and neighbors, then it makes sense to be kind to everyone, regardless of whatever differences there might be between us.
After people had a chance to walk through the "Path of Peace", and listen to the concert of singing bowls, we were led on a meditative peace walk (in the style of Thich Nhat Han,) by Miles, who is a local Zen Buddhist Priest.
Here's a video and some photos from the event. Please enjoy. Thank you.
18 September 2011
17 September 2011
11 September 2011
Sunday 11 September 2011
On this the 11th day of September 2011, let's remember how our nation's leaders took advantage of the tragic events of 9/11/01, 10 years ago, and capitalized on fear and shock, in order to foist upon and project upon the world an era of increased American militarism and efforts toward expanded global political and economic dominance.
May all of the victims of war rest in peace, and may we live to see a day where human beings no longer destroy each other.

Olympic Mountain View
March 2010 Seattle Washington
May all of the victims of war rest in peace, and may we live to see a day where human beings no longer destroy each other.
Olympic Mountain View
March 2010 Seattle Washington
08 September 2011
New Stuff
I have a couple new posts on Olyblog, and I posted a note on Facebook about boycotting against states that demonstrate aggression. My blog at OlyBlog can be found at and I will post the text of the note from facebook below the fold here.
05 September 2011
Panorama from Olympic NP
August 2011
A few patches of snow lingering in some of the high places, this photo was from near a series of waterfalls, near the junction of the trail to Flapjack Lakes.
view larger here
04 September 2011
03 September 2011
29 August 2011
Mount Tahoma
I saw this view from the roof of a friend's place:

Mount Tahoma (Rainier) seen from Olympia, Washington, August 2011
view larger here
Mount Tahoma (Rainier) seen from Olympia, Washington, August 2011
view larger here
05 August 2011
03 August 2011
Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary, August 2011
Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden
I am in Minnesota visiting family. Today I went to the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary in Wirth Park. There was some tornado damage in the Northwest part of the park, but the Garden was thankfully spared the worst of the damage. Other parts of North Minneapolis were not so lucky, a pretty powerful tornado earlier this year did a lot of damage. Here are some photos from the park, in slideshow format and video (with audio) format:
Video with some sounds from the park:
"Let Nature Be Your Teacher"
Earlier tonight I met with my book group. We read a book by Charlotte and Harriet Childress called Clueless at the Top. It's about different aspects of hierarchy in our socio-cultural system, and how people at the top of hierarchies have a tendency to take for granted the experiences of people who are lower in hierarchies. It is an interesting and relevant book, for example, in one chapter the authors discuss how judging and ranking can be socially harmful behaviors. I recommend the book to anyone who is interested in cultural studies, and/or making the world a better place.
Right now I am at the Seatac airport waiting to board a flight to go to Minneapolis. It's about midnight, so I definitely won't get a view like this!
Right now I am at the Seatac airport waiting to board a flight to go to Minneapolis. It's about midnight, so I definitely won't get a view like this!
21 July 2011
Moonrise with Smog
19 July 2011
Harmful Activities
According to some Buddhist thinkers, there are 10 major harmful activities. I found the following on the Tricycle Magazine website:
THERE ARE TEN actions that we must become completely aware of and completely abandon in our lives. They are divided into three unvirtuous actions of the body: killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct; four unvirtutous actions of speech: lying, slander, harsh speech, and idle chatter; and three unvirtuous actions of mind: covetousness, wishing harm on others, and wrong view.
THERE ARE TEN actions that we must become completely aware of and completely abandon in our lives. They are divided into three unvirtuous actions of the body: killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct; four unvirtutous actions of speech: lying, slander, harsh speech, and idle chatter; and three unvirtuous actions of mind: covetousness, wishing harm on others, and wrong view.
08 July 2011
I Am (the documentary [by Tom Shadyac])
I have posted this before, and now I am posting again. This is a strong film, entertaining and with a powerful message. I saw it for the second time in the theater last week, and it has me thinking a lot. I have talked with several people about the film.
Here's the trailer from YouTube:
Here's the trailer from YouTube:
04 July 2011
Scenic Beach State Park Panoramic Vista
I am back in Olympia after the weekend festivities at the Fellowship of Reconciliation Annual Northwest Conference at Seabeck.
[There are bombs bursting in air as I type this. (I wish people wouldn't celebrate war...)]
The weekend was busy, and my head is full of ideas, and my heart is full of feeling. Lots of introspective processing, and also processing about the ways of the world. Thoughts about Ayn Rand and socio-pathic corporations v. "parasitic human-beings"... Thoughts about changing the world, and visions of an economic that is not predatory... Feelings about where I am at in life, what I am doing, who I am... Lots and lots!
The people at Seabeck were great. I wish I only had time and energy to really get to know everyone there!
Many stories to tell. And some great jokes!
Here's a photo from early Monday morning, the 4th of July. This is from Scenic Beach State Park, which is about 2 miles from the Seabeck Conference Center.

Monday 4 July 2011, Olympic Mountains and Peninsula, seen across Hood Canal from Scenic Beach State Park, Seabeck, Kitsap Peninsula
view large
Large size high resolution version available for purchase. Please inquire at
[There are bombs bursting in air as I type this. (I wish people wouldn't celebrate war...)]
The weekend was busy, and my head is full of ideas, and my heart is full of feeling. Lots of introspective processing, and also processing about the ways of the world. Thoughts about Ayn Rand and socio-pathic corporations v. "parasitic human-beings"... Thoughts about changing the world, and visions of an economic that is not predatory... Feelings about where I am at in life, what I am doing, who I am... Lots and lots!
The people at Seabeck were great. I wish I only had time and energy to really get to know everyone there!
Many stories to tell. And some great jokes!
Here's a photo from early Monday morning, the 4th of July. This is from Scenic Beach State Park, which is about 2 miles from the Seabeck Conference Center.
Monday 4 July 2011, Olympic Mountains and Peninsula, seen across Hood Canal from Scenic Beach State Park, Seabeck, Kitsap Peninsula
view large
Large size high resolution version available for purchase. Please inquire at
03 July 2011
Photos from Seabeck 2011
Saturday 2 July 2011, Seabeck
This is the view from near Big Beef Creek. The waterway is the Hood Canal. The mountains are the Olympics. On the right hand side of the image are some of the docks for the Naval Base Kitsap Bangor Submarine Nuclear Weapons facility.
I am in Seabeck for the Fellowship of Reconciliation Annual Northwest Regional Conference. The theme of this year's conference is fair and sustainable economics. More information here:
view image large: here
more photos:
30 June 2011
Global Water Dances Olympia
I have a couple new posts about the Global Water Dances 2011, Olympia. A couple photos here and video here. It was an awesome event: wonderful, magical, divine. We were blessed with great weather for the ceremony. So check it out. We even had a blue heron fly over at the start of the Global Water Dance. It was flapping strangely! A good omen perhaps.
Be well!
Be well!
28 June 2011
25 June 2011
Competition and Consciousness
From some ideas relating to the post I previously mentioned on OlyBlog:
Competition may have its place. But when competition gets to the point of subduing, subjugating, demeaning—of behaving in ways that are downright cruel (or even just unfriendly,) then what good is that!
Mean-spirited competition, oppressive competition, divides—it opens up corridors for greed and avarice, toward pursuit of conquest.
Competition and Consciousness
When there is competition to get rich, and there is also insufficient consciousness and caring about others' well-being, then we wind up with social situations ripe for the outbreak of violence—violence even to the extreme point of war.
Because the real cause of war is competition over material resources, and the quest for material and economic superiority.
And truth is the first casualty of war.
Competition may have its place. But when competition gets to the point of subduing, subjugating, demeaning—of behaving in ways that are downright cruel (or even just unfriendly,) then what good is that!
Mean-spirited competition, oppressive competition, divides—it opens up corridors for greed and avarice, toward pursuit of conquest.
Competition and Consciousness
When there is competition to get rich, and there is also insufficient consciousness and caring about others' well-being, then we wind up with social situations ripe for the outbreak of violence—violence even to the extreme point of war.
Because the real cause of war is competition over material resources, and the quest for material and economic superiority.
And truth is the first casualty of war.
22 June 2011
Flower and Owl
I have been posting, and usually post more often on my blog at For example please check out a link about redefining poverty, here: Here are some flowers and an owl:

Friday 17 June 2011
Percival Landing, Olympia

Sunday 19 June 2011
Watershed Park, Olympia
more owl photos:
Friday 17 June 2011
Percival Landing, Olympia
Sunday 19 June 2011
Watershed Park, Olympia
more owl photos:
18 June 2011
Big Person, or Small Shopping Cart? Or Both?
13 June 2011
10 June 2011
Update Sunday 12 June 2011, new posts on OlyBlog about Stonewall Youth Drag Show, the difficulty of practicing peace in daily life, peace vigil video, and information about my friend Scott's situation being charged with crimes by the City here...
Busy with other stuff. Kind of behind on email and some other stuff. Here's a slideshow of some recent photos. These are all from Thursday the Ninth of June, Two Thousand Eleven...
Busy with other stuff. Kind of behind on email and some other stuff. Here's a slideshow of some recent photos. These are all from Thursday the Ninth of June, Two Thousand Eleven...
04 June 2011
02 June 2011
Protest Trial Update
Wednesday 1 June 2011
Information about trespassing trial, pleaded guilty today. News here:
[The following are thoughts I had the day after:
It's Thursday morning. I woke up with the feeling that I had been railroaded by the prosecution into a guilty plea. I was led to believe that I wouldn't be afforded a public defender because the prosecution was not seeking jail time. However, the judge made it apparent that if we were to pursue a plea of not guilty then, based on financial need, a public defense might be possible.
Now it seems that I have a federal criminal record...but I think most people will understand that my actions were based in altruism, and my actions and those of my co-defendants were also very respectful of humanity and all life on this planet.
Thursday afternoon: The actions of my government leave me feeling depressed. I know this is a simplified way of looking at the situation, because the problem is much deeper and bigger than "the government." The problem is actually socio-cultural. And it is about the political-economic that is built on that socio-cultural phenomenon.
I have thought (many times, and for many years previous to now) of suing the government for inflicting emotional and psychological harm.
As someone who cares about humanity and all life on the planet, the actions and policies of my government leave me feeling depressed.]
Information about trespassing trial, pleaded guilty today. News here:
[The following are thoughts I had the day after:
It's Thursday morning. I woke up with the feeling that I had been railroaded by the prosecution into a guilty plea. I was led to believe that I wouldn't be afforded a public defender because the prosecution was not seeking jail time. However, the judge made it apparent that if we were to pursue a plea of not guilty then, based on financial need, a public defense might be possible.
Now it seems that I have a federal criminal record...but I think most people will understand that my actions were based in altruism, and my actions and those of my co-defendants were also very respectful of humanity and all life on this planet.
Thursday afternoon: The actions of my government leave me feeling depressed. I know this is a simplified way of looking at the situation, because the problem is much deeper and bigger than "the government." The problem is actually socio-cultural. And it is about the political-economic that is built on that socio-cultural phenomenon.
I have thought (many times, and for many years previous to now) of suing the government for inflicting emotional and psychological harm.
As someone who cares about humanity and all life on the planet, the actions and policies of my government leave me feeling depressed.]
31 May 2011
New Material on OlyBlog
I have a few new posts on OlyBlog, some about nature, some messages to The White House, some about the peace vigil: —Berd
26 May 2011
Who Rules the World
The Grove is interesting to me. How so many powerful men can meet in relative seclusion and secrecy, the rest of the world excluded from their minglings: it is astounding. I encourage you to look it up, and learn more.
The Domhoff article (Domhoff is a professor at UC Santa Cruz) is interesting for its information about the Bohemian Grove, as well as for its insights into the sociological aspects of the gathering.
One question I have is about the giant owl that presides over the Cremation of Care ceremony, and I want to know more about the idea that this owl is related to Moloch, an ancient Babylonian deity that required ritual human sacrifice.
Here's a link to the Domhoff article:
Here's a photo of the main entrance to the Bohemian Grove:
24 May 2011
17 May 2011
Full Moon at Boston Harbor, Monday 16 May 2011 & Peace Vigil Video
more photos from Monday 16 May 2011: here []
And here's a video from last Friday at the Percival Landing peace vigil:
Peace Vigil at Percival Landing, Friday 13 May 2011
08 May 2011
Military Submarines are Offensive!
Just a thought I had yesterday while participating with the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action Mother's Day vigil and traditional civil disobedience at the Naval Base Kitsap Bangor. NBK Bangor is homebase for about 8 Trident capable submarines. Trident is an ICBM system. Each submarine is capable of carrying 24 missiles. Each missile can be equipped with 8 nuclear warheads, with an effective range of about 4,000 miles. The explosive potential of the warheads is either 100 kilotons (W76), or 475 kilotons (W88), depending on which of two varieties the particular vehicle is equipped. By contrast, the bombs that exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki were about 15 and 21 kilotons.
According to scientists, these weapons are capable of striking virtually anywhere on the planet within about 15 or 30 minutes.
Submarines [military submarines] are an attack weapon. They are designed to lurk undetected near targets. They are designed to intimidate and instill fear. Putting nuclear weapons aboard submarines is just about offensive as it gets.
At the May 2011 protest, in opposition to the weapons, seven people entered the roadway in front of the main gate to the military base. They were cited with a traffic violation before being released on their own recognizance.
Let our hearts and our voices cry out: Trident must be abolished! Military spending must be redirected toward productive and peaceful purposes! End imperialism!
Below, I have posted some photos from yesterday's protest.
According to scientists, these weapons are capable of striking virtually anywhere on the planet within about 15 or 30 minutes.
Submarines [military submarines] are an attack weapon. They are designed to lurk undetected near targets. They are designed to intimidate and instill fear. Putting nuclear weapons aboard submarines is just about offensive as it gets.
At the May 2011 protest, in opposition to the weapons, seven people entered the roadway in front of the main gate to the military base. They were cited with a traffic violation before being released on their own recognizance.
Let our hearts and our voices cry out: Trident must be abolished! Military spending must be redirected toward productive and peaceful purposes! End imperialism!
Below, I have posted some photos from yesterday's protest.
07 May 2011
Going to Ground Zero
I am planning to go to the Bangor Naval Base Kitsap today. It is Mother's Day, and the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action has some good stuff going on to mark Mother's wish that their children not be sent to fight in wars.
Here are some words from a few days ago. I think it would be appropriate to share them at this time. Peace!
Saturday, 7 May, 2011
I am opposed to all weapons of mass destruction, including all nuclear weapons: and especially as they exist in offensive capacity in the submarine launched Trident missile system.
Policies of economic supremacy are immoral and illegal.
The USA is well along on the way of the Imperial Project. Imperialism does not serve the best interests of anyone, including people from the USA.
Policies of economic and military superiority degrade humanity. These policies degrade and do harm to the well-being of all individuals, including supposed beneficiaries.
Robert Whitlock "Berd"
Here are some words from a few days ago. I think it would be appropriate to share them at this time. Peace!
Saturday, 7 May, 2011
I am opposed to all weapons of mass destruction, including all nuclear weapons: and especially as they exist in offensive capacity in the submarine launched Trident missile system.
Policies of economic supremacy are immoral and illegal.
The USA is well along on the way of the Imperial Project. Imperialism does not serve the best interests of anyone, including people from the USA.
Policies of economic and military superiority degrade humanity. These policies degrade and do harm to the well-being of all individuals, including supposed beneficiaries.
Robert Whitlock "Berd"
02 May 2011
Truth and Justice
When the government cannot tell the truth, how can it serve justice?

Government (sort of) pretends that classified files have not been released by Wikileaks: according to one expert, the situation "looks ridiculous."
original size:
[a couple more recent NYT articles about this:]
Government (sort of) pretends that classified files have not been released by Wikileaks: according to one expert, the situation "looks ridiculous."
original size:
[a couple more recent NYT articles about this:]
26 April 2011
24 April 2011
New Material
It is Easter Sunday, and although I don't consider myself to be Christian, I do recognize Jesus as a pretty awesome human being! I was somewhat raised Catholic, so I understand some about the event. I think it is good to ask questions. For example, who was Jesus. What was the reason he was killed. How has his life and death been interpreted and used?
Anyway, happy Passover, and happy Easter, or whatever other you might celebrate at this time of year (like the start of the growing season, in the Northern hemisphere, the return of the Sun...)
I have posted new stuff on my other blogs, like a video about Artswalk and Procession of the Species 2011 on OlyBlog, here. Also I have new photos on Flickr, videos on YouTube, and other material on Facebook and Twitter.
If you are in Olympia, make sure to get to the Capitol Theatre this week for the Olympia Film Society showing of "I Am," a documentary film by director Tom Shadyac (director of Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty.) It is about human consciousness, social/political/economic evolution of consciousness. Trailer posted below.

Anyway, happy Passover, and happy Easter, or whatever other you might celebrate at this time of year (like the start of the growing season, in the Northern hemisphere, the return of the Sun...)
I have posted new stuff on my other blogs, like a video about Artswalk and Procession of the Species 2011 on OlyBlog, here. Also I have new photos on Flickr, videos on YouTube, and other material on Facebook and Twitter.
If you are in Olympia, make sure to get to the Capitol Theatre this week for the Olympia Film Society showing of "I Am," a documentary film by director Tom Shadyac (director of Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty.) It is about human consciousness, social/political/economic evolution of consciousness. Trailer posted below.
09 April 2011
Some Thoughts about Nuclear Weapons, Bullying, and Policy
I will not bully. |
I was reminded of it because of I was arraigned on federal trespassing charges yesterday in Tacoma, WA. I and six others are accused of trespassing on the Naval Nuclear Weapons/Submarine Base Kitsap—Bangor, during a protest hosted by the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action [], on Martin Luther King day this year (15 January 2011.)
KOMO had a TV camera and reporter there, and also a journalist with the radio station.
During a pre-arraignment rally and vigil, I was able to speak in front of the TV camera for a little bit, and then reporter from the radio station did a short interview with me.
In front of the camera I echoed previous comments made by my fellow defendants, about being inspired by the actions of the Disarm Now Swords into Plowshares group [].
I also mentioned being thankful for the hard work that the GZ Center does, and my reason for being there, which is to inspire increased awareness, and inspire people to ask whether we might be on the wrong track as far as these weapons are concerned—and if so, then how we might go about abolishing them as soon as possible!
I am glad the KOMO radio reporter also stopped me before entering the courthouse, because I was able to talk more about my reasons for being there. Which is where the bullying idea comes in. My opposition to nuclear weapons is not only based on their destructive potential (and illegality,) but because their existence is designed to support, enable, and further policies and practices of economic and political dominance.
So I ask why, when it is wrong for children to bully in kindergarten, is it considered normal or acceptable for grown-ups to bully in the marketplace or in the international political arena?
Just say no to bullying!
[also see "no more Hiroshimas or Nagasakis":]
07 April 2011
Washington State Budget Protest Update!
More updates on my flickr site, and OlyBlog,
The following is from a couple emails I sent, one to the Fair Budget Coalition and Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace listserves, and another to my Washington State legislators:
Hey everyone, congratulations on the week so far. Tuesday was awesome, and then Wednesday was even more awesome!
The Backbone Campaign [] is encouraging people to contact their legislators. I think it makes sense to communicate with them about the reasons we are demonstrating too. more information at
Here's a note I sent to Gov. Gregoire:
Dear Governor Gregoire, I support the people who are occupying the Capitol Building, and I want to join in saying, "no excuses." There is no excuse for anti-social budget cuts at a time when there has never been more wealth in society. Wealth must be taxed. Wealth must give back to society from which it was garnered!
No Excuses!:
I also posted photos from Wednesday here:
and a hastily edited video (which might disappear if I re-do it) here:
Dear Senator Fraser and Representatives Hunt and Reykdal,
I am writing to express my support for protests against the budget this week. I am sure that
you're all similarly inclined toward more progressive taxation. So the purpose of my letter may
be less to persuade, than to make sure you know that there are many people amongst your
constituency whom are interested in basic changes to the state revenue system. I have heard of
polls that indicate nearly 70% support taxing wealth in order to fund social services.
The demonstrations this week illustrate the urgency of this problem. For example, people are
losing their homes at a time when the economic elite control a massive proportion of society's
wealth, and at a time when there are not enough jobs, much less dignified jobs with living
You have my support in vigorous and assertive approach to this problem. Wealth that is
garnered from society, must be taxed and returned to society, in order to maintain the
commonwealth. People need fairness and equity.
There is class warfare, and I want government to protect the poor against avarice and predation
in the marketplace.
Thank you!
Berd Whitlock
Olympia, WA]
Poverty is not caused by personal defect, it is not an individual problem. Poverty is a social problem.
The following is from a couple emails I sent, one to the Fair Budget Coalition and Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace listserves, and another to my Washington State legislators:
Hey everyone, congratulations on the week so far. Tuesday was awesome, and then Wednesday was even more awesome!
The Backbone Campaign [] is encouraging people to contact their legislators. I think it makes sense to communicate with them about the reasons we are demonstrating too. more information at
Here's a note I sent to Gov. Gregoire:
Dear Governor Gregoire, I support the people who are occupying the Capitol Building, and I want to join in saying, "no excuses." There is no excuse for anti-social budget cuts at a time when there has never been more wealth in society. Wealth must be taxed. Wealth must give back to society from which it was garnered!
No Excuses!:
I also posted photos from Wednesday here:
and a hastily edited video (which might disappear if I re-do it) here:
Dear Senator Fraser and Representatives Hunt and Reykdal,
I am writing to express my support for protests against the budget this week. I am sure that
you're all similarly inclined toward more progressive taxation. So the purpose of my letter may
be less to persuade, than to make sure you know that there are many people amongst your
constituency whom are interested in basic changes to the state revenue system. I have heard of
polls that indicate nearly 70% support taxing wealth in order to fund social services.
The demonstrations this week illustrate the urgency of this problem. For example, people are
losing their homes at a time when the economic elite control a massive proportion of society's
wealth, and at a time when there are not enough jobs, much less dignified jobs with living
You have my support in vigorous and assertive approach to this problem. Wealth that is
garnered from society, must be taxed and returned to society, in order to maintain the
commonwealth. People need fairness and equity.
There is class warfare, and I want government to protect the poor against avarice and predation
in the marketplace.
Thank you!
Berd Whitlock
Olympia, WA]
Poverty is not caused by personal defect, it is not an individual problem. Poverty is a social problem.
02 April 2011
Peace Vigil Video with Frog Song
Peace Vigil at Percival Landing with frog song audio overlap
Friday the 1st of April, 2011
Peace Vigil at Percival Landing
Another version of the video posted below (audio track removed, frogs only.)
30 March 2011
Some Recent Photos
Here are some recent photos and images from the past week or two. More information is attached on the flickr photo pages.

Friday 19 March 2011
Olympia, Washington
There are a couple of events today and tomorrow happening at Heritage Park. One is the Pacific Northwest Medicine Wheel. Another is the Global Day of Listening project.
Here is a link to a 1min 40sec YouTube video focusing mostly on the GDL project:
more photos:
Friday 19 March 2011
Olympia, Washington
There are a couple of events today and tomorrow happening at Heritage Park. One is the Pacific Northwest Medicine Wheel. Another is the Global Day of Listening project.
Here is a link to a 1min 40sec YouTube video focusing mostly on the GDL project:
more photos:
18 March 2011
Moon Over Capitol
People and public interest over profit. Schools not war. Government needs to STOP working for the advantage of some over others! General Strike! No school, no work, until government works for mutual benefit—for the public interest.
End corporate control!
[Thursday 17 March 2011
Olympia, Washington
The Legislative Building dome reflects on Capitol Lake. The Moon illuminates clouds in the sky.
Make sure to check out this blog entry about the 17 March 2011 Rally to Protect Our Future:
Stop the cutting!]
13 March 2011
Invest in peace, not war.
Friday 11 March 2011, Olympia WA—At the Friday evening Olympia FOR (Fellowship of Reconciliation) weekly peace vigil
Dear All: Invest in peace, not war. Divest from war. It's the right time to change. The USA can stop bullying—stop treating people poorly. We can find mutual welfare and happiness in life-serving policies. Please: put international public interest before private/special/national interest.
Thank you!
08 March 2011
Asmaa Mahfouz
05 March 2011
No Imperialism, No Racism
Racial and economic justice, and the cessation of violent conflict! Abolition of an offensive economic, military-industrial establishment...
The enemy is not personnel. It is not personal. The enemy is ignorance. The enemy is fear, xenophobia, racism and other prejudice. The enemy is aggression and violence and hate.
Here are three copies of a video I recently made, my intent was to deal with the problem of an 'us v. them' mentality, privilege and oppression, wealth disparity, socio-economic harmfulness, and I suppose, violence in general.
Videos are below the fold.
The enemy is not personnel. It is not personal. The enemy is ignorance. The enemy is fear, xenophobia, racism and other prejudice. The enemy is aggression and violence and hate.
Here are three copies of a video I recently made, my intent was to deal with the problem of an 'us v. them' mentality, privilege and oppression, wealth disparity, socio-economic harmfulness, and I suppose, violence in general.
Videos are below the fold.
27 February 2011
Worker Solidarity Rally at the Washington State Capitol Campus February 2011
On Saturday 26 February 2011, thousands of people gathered to rally in support of worker rights.
Here's a photo, and there is more of the story here on OlyBlog.
Labor Rally Inside the Washington State Legislative Building
This photo shows the scene as the inside rally was winding down. At one point, the building was packed with people, as some of the links to video in the comments section of the above linked post to OlyBlog will show.
Here's a photo, and there is more of the story here on OlyBlog.
Labor Rally Inside the Washington State Legislative Building
This photo shows the scene as the inside rally was winding down. At one point, the building was packed with people, as some of the links to video in the comments section of the above linked post to OlyBlog will show.
23 February 2011
Four Photos from Grass Lake Refuge
From a visit to Grass Lake Refuge, where it was windy, with simultaneous bright sunshine and snow flurries!
May nature inspire humanity toward a world of ecological and economic sustainability and stability, mutual peace and happiness for all people regardless of age, gender, ability, rate of development, skin color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, religion (or any other defining characteristic!)
Here are four photos (there are more posted on my Flickr site):
May nature inspire humanity toward a world of ecological and economic sustainability and stability, mutual peace and happiness for all people regardless of age, gender, ability, rate of development, skin color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, religion (or any other defining characteristic!)
Here are four photos (there are more posted on my Flickr site):
16 February 2011
10 February 2011
Colorful Sunset
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