11 August 2005

Write Cindy Sheehan a Postcard

If you can't make it to Camp Casey:

Cindy Sheehan
c/o Crawford Peace House
9142 5th Street
Crawford, TX 76638-3037

Or send her flowers:

Enchanted Garden Room
(254) 932-5255
1002 State Highway 6
Valley Mills, TX 76689
8.1 mi NW of Cindy
(I have not verified this florist's information.
Please leave a comment if you do!)

Please call Bush and tell him to meet with Cindy (couresy of PDA.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm writing Cindy a postcard today!

    So glad for how the MoveOn vigils went this week. You know Mom and Dad put one on in WI? Pretty cool.
